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Geneseo, IL 61254

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August 2018 Board Meeting

Geneseo Public Library District
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 13, 2018

The Board of Trustees of the Geneseo Public Library District met in Foundation Room A at the library on Monday, August, 2018.  President Bill Menendez called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Trustees in attendance were Anne Meyer-McCright, Bill Menendez, and Paul Pardo. Karen Turner attended by invitation to replace Holly McAvoy’s vacant seat.  Deb Wyffels, Assistant Director, was also present.

Sworn Oath     Karen Turner was sworn in as a library trustee to fulfill the term of Holly McAvoy.

Citizen’s Input   A note of appreciation from Pam Edwards was read thanking the library for the financial support toward the summer “IL…Celebrating the Bicentennial” choral concert. Pam Edwards is Director and Founder of the community choir.

Secretary’s Report   The minutes from last month’s meeting stand approved as printed.

Financial Report/Bills to Be Paid.  The Financial Report was reviewed and will be filed for the auditors.  Paul Pardoe made a motion to pay the bills, Anne Meyer-McCright seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

Library Director’s Report   Please refer to Claire’s written report. 



Management      Claire discussed the management video for board viewing.



Budget     The final budget is complete and is available for public viewing.

Tax Levy     The Tax Levy will be completed in November.

Staff Raises     Staff raises and time of issuance was discussed; calendar vs fiscal year.  The discussion was tabled until next month.


Adjournment   With no further matters before the board, at 8:07 p.m., the meeting adjourned.


Deb Wyffels
Acting Scribe for August

Wall St. Journal - Online
library building
Library Information
805 N. Chicago Street
Geneseo, IL 61254
Phone: 309-944-6452
Fax: 309-944-6721
Toll free number for renewals:

Contact Information:
Claire Crawford, Director

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