Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 PM
Closed Sunday
Geneseo Public Library District
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 8, 2022
The Board of Trustees of the Geneseo Public Library District met on Monday, August 8, 2022 at the Geneseo Public Library in Foundation Room A in Geneseo, Illinois. President Karen Turner called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. Members in attendance were Karen Cathelyn, Lee Fluck, Carol Luciani, Paul Pardo and Ray Rogers.
Citizen’s Input Sheila Wigant-McGee was present to discuss the creation of bookends that could be sold as a fundraiser for the proposed Reading Garden.
Secretary’s Report The minutes from last month’s meeting stand approved as printed. A note from the Colony Club was received, thanking Claire for presenting quality historical programs.
Financial Report/Bills to Be Paid Paul made a motion to pay the current bills. Carol seconded the motion and all members present voted “yes” by roll call vote. Karen C. moved to approve the Financial Report. Paul seconded the motion and all members in attendance voted “yes” by roll call vote.
Happenings at the Library The roof is done. The Summer Reading Program was well-received.
Reading Garden/Children’s Addition Pat Mahar presented preliminary drawings and colored sketches with a wide range of costs for materials and labor. An allowance was made for room for a possible children’s addition. No action was taken but these projects will be considered for our long-range plan.
Corporate Resolution A resolution regarding signature authorization for the various financial institutions used by the Geneseo Public Library District was presented. Paul made a motion to accept this, Karen C. seconded the motion and all members present voted “yes.” A copy of the Resolution is attached to these minutes.
Drawings The Board reviewed the renderings by Pat Mahar.
Election Board members Karen Cathelyn and Paul Pardo will need to run for re-election in April 2023.
Final Budget and Appropriation Ordinance Paul made a motion to accept the Final Budget. Ray seconded the motion and all members present voted “yes.”
Adjournment With no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
Kathi Fluck
Contact Information:
Claire Crawford, Director