Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 PM
Closed Sunday
The Board of Trustees of the Geneseo Public Library District met in Foundation Room A at the library on Monday, December 10, 2018. President Bill Menendez called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Trustees in attendance were Lee Fluck, Anne Meyer-McCright, Ray Rogers and Karen Turner. Deb Wyffels, Assistant Director, was also present.
No citizens were present
The minutes from last month’s meeting stand approved as printed. A thank you card from Boy Scout Troop 131was read aloud, thanking the Library fit its donation.
Carpentier, Mitchell & Goddard has finished their audit. Jim Luikart reported that there was nothing out of order. Complete printed copies will be distributed to all Trustees at the next meeting. The Financial Report was reviewed and will be filed for the auditors. Anne made a motion to pay the bills, Karen seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
Please refer to Claire’s written report.
At 6:40 p.m., Bill moved to go into Executive Session. Ray seconded the motion and all members present voted “yes.” No actions were taken, and at 7 p.m., Lee moved to come out of Executive Session. Anne seconded the motion and all members voted “yes.”
Claire reported that the morning with Santa was well-received.
Lee made a motion that all employees on the payroll get a 6% raise or $10/hour, whichever is greater, beginning January 1, 2019. Ray seconded the motion, and all members in attendance voted yes in roll call vote. It should be noted that this should not be construed as a yearly occurrence. Anne proposed that the employees plus Chris, Joleene, Mary and Kathi get a $40 gift certificate to the Geneseo Chamber of Commerce, seconded by Karen. All members in attendance voted yes in roll call vote.
Light/Parking Lot
Claire announced that a light will be installed in the North end of the parking lot where the employees park; it is very dark there in the winter.
With no further matters before the board, at 7:10 p.m., the meeting adjourned.
Kathi Fluck
Contact Information:
Claire Crawford, Director