Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 PM
Closed Sunday
10 Car practice tests
6 Motorcycle practice tests
1 CDL practice test
3 Handbooks
Access here
Adult Book Group: Postponed until spring. Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6 pm for a book discussion. All meetings are free and open to the public.
Children's Display cases: Contact Sandy Rahn for Children's Collections at 944-6452, if you would like to sign-up to display your collections at the library.
Entry Displays: The Library is grateful to the Geneseo Community Park District Quilters Guild for coordinating the rotating display of quilts. Be sure to look for the rotating exhibit of art and quilts at the library’s entrance. The Geneseo Art League, RutabagA, and Geneseo Community Quilters Guild change out the exhibits on a regular basis.
The Rubber Ducky Club: Meets weekly on Wednesday from 10:00-10:30 am for children ages birth to 3 years and a caregiver. Simple stories, songs, bounces, and rhymes.
Music Time for Ages 0-2 year olds (9:15-9:45 am) and 3-5 year olds (10:00-11:00 am): Christina Heald, Early Music Education Specialist, holds a class for children birth to 5 years of age on the first Friday and third Tuesday of the month. Class size is limited, registration is required by calling 944-6452 or stopping by the circulation desk.
Jigsaw Puzzles for Patrons: If you like puzzles and have a few extra minutes while you’re visiting the library, stop by the jigsaw puzzle tables and lend a hand. One table is located by the computers near the center of the library for more advanced puzzles and there is a table for younger patrons in the Young Adult area. Once a puzzle is finished, another will be brought out for assembly. We also have a puzzle swap at the library. Bring in a puzzle and swap it with another puzzle - this is on an honor basis. Ask at the circulation desk for puzzle location and details.
Board Games for Patrons: If you like board games come to the library. We have a Board Game Swap. Bring in a game and swap it with another game - this is on an honor basis. Take home and play the board game, bring it back, get another game - it is that easy. Ask at the circulation desk for game location and details.
Book Sale Donation Procedure: Due to the overwhelming response and limited storage space for this purpose, we will accept only two boxes of books per patron. This will help us make the best use of our limited space. All items must be in good condition. Please dispose of dusty or musty older books rather than bring them to the library. Also note that we do not accept Reader’s Digest Condensed books, encyclopedia sets, old textbooks, or bibles. We wish to express continued thanks to our book sale volunteers for replenishing the shelves each week.
Safety-Wise in the Library: All children under the age of 12 years must be under the watchful eye of an adult at all times.
Library Outreach: Are you or a loved one an avid reader and unable to access the library? Our Outreach program may be able to help! We can set up a pre-selected gathering of books so that a family member or caregiver can pick them up. Call Lori at 944-6452 for information and to set this up.
Field Trip Pack: Available for three-week checkout. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has developed this educational resource to use with children in grades Pre-K thru 3. The “field trip pack” contains hands-on equipment to encourage young children to explore nature. Suggestions for activities are included. GREAT RESOURCE FOR TEACHERS AND YOUTH GROUP LEADERS AS WELL AS FAMILIES
Illinois Department of Natural Resources: RESOURCE TRUNKS AVAILABLE FOR CHECKOUT. The Illinois DNR has developed a variety of educational resource trunks for use by educators and families. The trunks are filled with books, posters, and items for related hands-on activities. Suggestions for activities are included as well as Illinois Learning Standards. These trunks were made available to our library for check-out to patrons.
Illinois Birds - Suggested Ages: 3rd - 8th
Illinois Wild Animals - Suggested Ages: K - 8th
Illinois Insects and Spiders - Suggested Ages: PreK - 8th
Illinois Trees - Suggested Grades: PreK - 10
Contact Information:
Claire Crawford, Director