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Geneseo, IL 61254

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February 2024 Board Meeting

Geneseo Public Library District
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 12, 2024


The Board of Trustees of the Geneseo Public Library District met in Foundation Room A at the library on Monday, February 12, 2024.  Board President Karen Turner called the meeting to order at 6:27 p.m.  Members in attendance were Karen Cathelyn, Lee Fluck, Jim Henson and Monica Vorac.
Citizen’s Input   John and Diane Greenwood spoke to the Board about the closings during the extreme cold and snow. David Jost was also present as an observer and made no comments.
Secretary’s Report   The minutes from last month’s meeting stand approved as printed.  
Financial Report/Bills to Be Paid      Monica moved to pay the current bills.   Karen C. seconded the motion and all members in attendance voted “yes” by roll call vote.   Karen T. moved to approve the Financial Report. Jim seconded the motion and all members in attendance voted “yes” by roll call vote.  
Happenings at the Library       The new presenter system is well received by the public.  The AARP Tax Program men are very busy, meeting with clients only on Wednesdays this year.


Children’s Room Claire has purchased some wooden puzzles and books that can be read or sung. The exploratory committee will have its first meeting on March 26 at the library. 


Citizens Input    Two citizens voiced their opinions about closing the library when school is closed due to bad weather.
Technology   New computers will be ordered soon.
Adjournment   With no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Kathi Fluck
Recording Secretary
Wall St. Journal - Online
library building
Library Information
805 N. Chicago Street
Geneseo, IL 61254
Phone: 309-944-6452
Fax: 309-944-6721
Toll free number for renewals:

Contact Information:
Claire Crawford, Director

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