Cost for Obituary Look Up and mailing/emailing from the Geneseo Public Library District microfilms: $1.00 per obituary, other donations gladly accepted. For more extensive research contact our Historian at She will contact you and other costs will be explained.
Local History and Genealogy Resources
Geneseo Public Library - Local History Collection blog
Genealogy/Historical Consultant:
All Genealogy material listed below is non-circulating material and must be viewed in the library.
Henry County Cemeteries
City of Geneseo :
- Alba Twp. (Goble, Maple Grove, Sacred Heart)
- Andover Twp. (Rosedale)(Jenny Lind, Andover Twp., Old Methodist, Presbyterian, Cholera Stone)
- Annawan Twp. (Fairview)
- Atkinson Twp. (Spring Creek)
- Burns Twp. (Cosner, Mt. Zion, St. John's near Galva)
- Cambridge Twp. (Mascall, Mc Nay, Talbot, private burials)
- Clover Twp. (Woodhall, Clover Chapel, private burials)
- Colona Twp. (Colona, Dayton, Glennwood)
- Cornwall Twp. (Grandview, Liberty, St. Anthony's)
- Edford Twp. (Edford, St. John's)
- Galva Twp. (Galva)
- Geneseo Twp. (Mizpah Cemetery)
- Hanna Twp. (Hanna, Colbert)
- Kewanee Twp. (Kewanee Township Cemetery, Kewanee South Pleasant View, Kewanee Pleasant View Cemetery and Mausoleum, Old Kewanee, Russian Orthodox, Garden of Peace, St. Michaels/Lutheran Church of Redeemer, St. Mary's, Mount Olivet, Msgr. Burke Addition to Mount Olivet)
- Loraine Twp. (Kemmis, Loraine, Bollen)
- Lynn Twp. (Ophiem - Grace Lutheran)
- Munson Twp. (Greenlee, Hillcrest Home, Pleasant Hill)
- Osco Twp. (Grace Episcopal, Morristown)
- Oxford Twp. (Oxford, Summit Level, Alpha)
- Phenix Twp. (Pink Prairie, McHenry, Ebenezer)
- Weller Twp. (Red Oak, Bishop Hill, Piatt)
- Western Twp. (Western, Orion Lutheran, Cholera Stone)
- Wethersfield Twp. (Cavanagh, Evergreen Memory Garden, Saxon, Wethersfield)
- Yorktown Twp. (St. Mary's, Hoophole is also known as Mt. Zion, Swedona Lutheran Cemetery)
Whiteside County Cemeteries
- Fenton Cemetery, Fenton, IL
Rock Island County Cemeteries
- Bowlesburg Cemetery, Tenth Street, Silvis, Illinois
Atlases and Land Maps
Located in wooden Atlas File.
- Whiteside County, Illinois 1872 Atlas & Index
- 1875 Atlas of Henry County; Plat Book of Henry County 1893;
- 1910 Plat Book, City of Geneseo; 1911 Henry County Atlas
- Pictorial Atlas Whiteside County, IL 1982
- 1957 Official County Plat Book and Rural Directory of Henry County, Illinois
- 1961 Plat Book - Henry County Illinois
- 1965 Farm Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1966 Farm Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1968 Farm & Ranch Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1971 County Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1972 Illinois Farm Bureau Atlas & Plat Book for Henry County
- 1973 County Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1974 Illinois Farm Bureaus Atlas & Plat book of Henry County, IL
- 1975 Rural Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1975 Henry County, Illinois Plat Book
- 1975 Plat Book of LaSalle County, IL
- 1978 Farm & Ranch Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1980 Rural Resident Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1980 Land Atlas and Plat Book, Henry County, IL
- 1982 Rural Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1985 Rural Resident Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1987 Land Atlas & Plat Book, Henry County, IL
- 1989 Farm & Home Directory & Plat for Henry County
- 1990 Farm & Home Directory & Plat for Henry County
- 1990-1991 Henry County, Illinois TAM Services
- 1995-2012 Farm & Home Directory & Plat for Henry County
- 2000 Land Atlas and Plat Book - Rock Island County, IL
- Henry County, Illinois TAM Maps 1990-1991 ; 1992-1993 ; 1996-1997 ; 1998-1999 ; 2001-2002 ; 2005-2006 ; 2007-2008, 2009-2010
- Henry County Answer Book - 1994
- Rock Island County, Illinois TAM Maps 1990-91 ; 1998-99 ; 2005-2006
- Whiteside County, Illinois TAM Maps 1986-87 ; 1994-95 ; 1996-97 ; 2005-2006
- Official County Plat Book and Farmer's Directory of Whiteside County, IL --- no date
Farm & Home Plat Directory of:
- Bureau County, IL - 1995 & 1998
- Knox County, IL - 1995, 2001
- La Salle County, IL - 1995, 2001, 2005
- Lee County, IL - 1994
- Marshall/Putnam County, IL - 1994 & 1997
- Mercer County, IL - 1992 & 1996
- Peoria County, IL - 1997, 2011
- Stark County, IL - 1995 & 1997
- Whiteside County, IL - 1992
Funeral Home Records
Kewanee, Illinois: Cavanaugh & Schuenneman; Schueneman & Tumbleson 1917-February 2004
Civil War Soldiers Obituaries Found in Kewanee, IL Newspapers
Census Records
- Federal Census of Henry County, Illinois (book at circ desk) - 1850 and 1960
- Federal Population Census - 1900
- Henry County Census (on microfilm) - 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930
- Mercer County Census (on microfilm) - 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1930
- Rock Island County Illinois census - 1850
- St. Clair County, IL Census Substitute - 1890
- St. Clair County, IL Federal Census - 1870
Geneseo Church Histories
- First Congregational Church; 150 years of worship and services.
- Loraine United Methodist Church
- St. John's Lutheran Church 1869-1944, 1869-1969, 1869-1994
- St. Peter's Evangelical Community Church, 1873-1998
- Ties that Bind - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 1996
Geneseo Church Directories
- 1995, 2000, 2004, 2006-2007
- Celebrating 150 Years - Concordia Ev. Lutheran Church
- Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church 150th Anniversary 1864-2014
- First Congregational Church 1856-1986
- First United Methodist Church 1977, 1983, 1989,
- Grace United Methodist Church 1973, 1985
- Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 1996
- St. John's Lutheran Church 1869-1944, 1869-1969, 1869-1994
- St. Malachy's Catholic Church 1978
- St. Malachy's Parish, 1989 ; 1996 ; 2002, 2012, 2016 - 150th Anniversary
- St. Peter's Evangelical Community Church 1873-1998
Family Histories/Genealogies
- A Freehill Family History
- Aiston-Chamberlain Family HistoryWilliam
- Ainsworth Memories
- Allerton Family
- An Ancestor to Remember: Johannes Laubach
- Ancestry of Charlotte (Holbrook) Hammond of Wardsboro
- Andrews Family in America
- Bacon and Allied Families
- Busenbark Family
- Cady
- Decker
- Denz, Erdman, Hintz, Hollatz Families
- Descendants of Casper Weber
- Descendants of James Kay
- Descendants of John Cox of Abington, Indiana and Joseph Cox of Hampton, Illinois
- Descendants of Michael Roesner
- Descendants of Neely Withrow and Mary Polly Eveleth
- Descendants of Simeon D. Fuller
- Edmund Schilling Family
- Entrikin
- Family of Ella McLellan Slocum
- Family of John and Maria Magee
- Frederick Thomas McDougall Family
- Glenn
- Gradert Family Tree
- Guile-Gile-Guiles Genealogy
- Hammond Genealogies volumes I & II
- Hector and Stephanie DeShepper's Legacy
- Hier Families
- Homer Kiner Lambert
- House at 113 South Ward Street (Goss, Fehlman, Hahn)
- Humphreys
- Kiefer
- Krause German History 1652-2006
- John Lee of Farmington, Conn. and His Descendants
- John K. Liken
- Harry Manville Family
- McHose Family - A Clay Worker and His Works
- Michael Mason Miller Family
- Myers Family Genealogy
- New - Andrew and Agnes (Irvan) Park and their descendants (box of folders)
- Otto Schmidt Family
- Our Paddleford Descendants
- Pratt Family
- Rahn Family
- Rink/Hughes Connection
- R.M. Bessee and Will D. & Bertha Clark Families
- Rugroden Roots
- Schumaker Families
- Shrek Family History: Family of Paul & Bethamy Shreck
- Stewarts, Dressers, Tafts & Cones
- The Barker, Dederick, Ecklor, Olmstead, Salisbury, and Taylor Grandchildren Inherit the Patroon's Estate
- The Barman Family
- The Descendants of Baccus Atwood & Sarah Tulle (1st printing)
- The Descendants of Baccus Atwood & Sarah Tuttle (revised)
- The Fenners of Providence, RI
- The Slater Family
- The Varnums of Dracutt
- Walter Thomas Family
- William Gottlieb Neumann Genealogy 1790-1958
- Young Family Records
Do you have a Family History book you would like to share? We are taking donations of Family History books to put in our genealogy collection. We request donations of hard or softbound covers only, not loose-leaf pages. They can be in 3-ring binders, spiral-bound, or folders for display. These books would be non-circulating material that will always stay in the library for public viewing.
Henry County and other Genealogy Links
Genealogy Society Newsletters
- Blackhawk Genealogy Society
- Henry County Genie
- Illinois State Genealogy Society Quarterly
- LaSalle County
- National Genealogical Society Quarterly
- New England Historical and Genealogical Register
- Peoria County Genealogical Society
- Randolph County Genealogical Society
- Shelby County Historical and Genealogical Society
- St. Clair County Genealogical Society Quarterly
- St. Louis Genealogy Society Quarterly
- The Palimpsest - Iowa magazine 1967, 1982, 1983 (not complete years)
These newsletters are donated items so they are not complete sets except for the Henry County Genie which we subscribed to beginning June of 2006.
- 1942 City Directory
- Geneseo Mutual Telephone Directory 1921 and 1924
- Geneseo Retail Merchants' Association 1903
- Kelly's Geneseo City Directory, 1898
- Prairie Farmer's Farm Directory (©1916)
- The Mullin-Kille Geneseo, Illinois Con Survey city directory, 1965
Local Histories and Reference Material in the Genealogy Room
- Bishop Hill, Autopia on the Prarie I.R.H.C. 977.3 IS
- Bishop Hill: a Pictorial History and Guide
- Bishop Hill Swedish American Showcase
- Brandenburg Tavern
- Calhoun County, Iowa Early Marriages 1856-1884
- Centennial History, Atkinson, IL
- Cordova Illinois, then and now, 1836-1976
- County Corn, Commerce and Country living I.R.H.C. 977.338 CO
- Covered Bridges in Illinois (notebook with articles & items)
- DAR Patriot Index, vol. 1, 2, and 3 I.R.H.C. 929.1 DAR
- Dating Old Photographs - Pamphlets in a box
- Diary of an Illinois Farmer 1947-1950 I.R.H.C. 630.627 HA
- Directory of the City of Davenport for 1856
- Early History of Hoophole Village
- Erie Centennial 1872-1972
- Founding Fathers of Geneseo and Their Families ---notebook
- Galesburg High School - Alumni Directory 1994
- Geneseo Business Professional Women's Club scrapbook 1952-1954 (includes misc. box)
- Geneseo Centennial History 1836-1936 I.R.H.C. notebook
- Geneseo - The First 150 Years 1836-1986 I.R.H.C. 977.3 GE
- Geneseo Home Coming, 1915 I.R.H.C. 977.338 GE|
- Geneseo High School Football Programs - 1978-1985 Also Illinois State Football Playoff Programs 1976-1982 (in magazine type boxes)
- Geneseo High School Various Sports Programs 1970's & 1980's (in magazine type boxes)
- Geneseo Junior Women's Club scrapbook 1974-1975
- Geneseo Optimist Club scrapbook "The Birth of Ball Field" April 1969-March 1970
- Geneseo Parent Teacher Association Board Minutes 1956-1979
- Geneseo Township Public Library Development Fund, Geneseo, Illinois - Pamphlet
- Gilbert Brown Farm Records 1925-1969
- Guide to County Records in the Illinois Regional Archives - 1988
- Hennepin Canal State Trail
- Henry County Branch of the Illinois Live Stock Breeders Association 1911-1919 ; Minutes, Members and Financial Reports
- Historic Rock Island County I.H.R.C. 977.33 HI
- Historical Buildings, Homes & Sites I.R.H.C. notebook
- Historical Directory of One-Room Rural Schools of Henry and Stark Counties, Illinois
- Historical Society of Henry County, IL - Secretary Book 1924-1930
- History of Bettendorf and Pleasant Valley
- History of Henry County, vol. 1 & 2 I.R.H.C. 977.338 KI
- History of Henry County, it's taxpayers and voters I.H.R.C. 977.338 HI
- History of Hillcrest Home (circ. desk - listed under Residents of the Poor Farm)
- History of Orion, IL
- History of the Village of Ulah
- History of Whiteside County, Illinois I.H.R.C. 977.33 BA
- Illinois Civil War Detail Report
- Illinois State Library & Geneseo Public Library 1946
- Index to St. Clair County, Illinois : Probated and non-probated Wills 1772-1964
- Iowa VanBuren County Grave Registration survey 1939
- IRAD Register
- Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society - January 1937 - A colony settlement - Geneseo, Illinois 1836-1837 by Anson M. Hubbard (notebook with a copy)
- Kewanee Story 1854-1954
- Key to Genealogical Research in the Quad Cities Area of Rock Island County, IL and Scott County, IL
- Kiwanis Club, Geneseo, IL 1939-1940
- Kiwanis Club minutes from 1920-1924 plus items from 1970 - Geneseo, IL.
- Knoxville through Five Generations
- The Land Was Ours, Geneseo's Prairie Heritage, 1961
- Ledger from the Geneseo Collegiate Institute - includes State Charter Bylaws and Board Minutes 1883-1904
- Ledger from the Geneseo Collegiate Institute - Board Minutes 1904-1934
- Ledger from the Geneseo Collegiate Institute - Banquet Book 1904-1913
- Ledger from the Geneseo Collegiate Institute - Book of Accounts 1908-1921
- Lillian's Diaries - Whispers from Galena's Past
- Macomb Heritage Days
- Monona County, Iowa - Early Marriages 1856-1880
- Obituaries Found in Kewanee Illinois Newspapers to June 1955 and Served in the following wars: War of 1812, Mexican War, Spanish American, WWI
- One Room School at the Crossroads : recollections of Smith School, Dist. #152 Edford Township, HenryCounty, Illinois. I.R.H.C. 977.3 HO
- Osco School Reunion, August 4, 2007 - MEMORY BOOK
- Our future is our Heritage - Andover 1835-1985
- Past and Present of Rock Island County, Illinois 1877 I.R.H.C. 977.339 PA
- Pennsylvania Genealogical Research
- Pictorial History of Atkinson, IL
- Portrait & Biographical Album of Henry County I.R.H.C. - Notebook
- Quasquicentennial, 1982: Woodhull, IL
- Recording of deaths from St. John's Church, Edford Township - 1916-1994
- Recording of deaths from Concordia Lutheran Church, Geneseo, IL - 1864-1897
- Residents of the Poor Farm at Henry County, Illinois 1862-1968
- Rock Island Arsenal
- Rural School Books - from Gertrude McKibbon
- St. John's Church, Edford Township - Funeral Register 1866-1915
- Shenanigans: The unofficial history of Monroe County, Iowa
- They Came in Ships by John P. Colletta, Phd.
- This Was Geneseo
- Ties to our Past, Manlius, IL 1901-2001
- Travels in Time, Milan, Illinois
- Trinity Lutheran Church, Peoria, IL - Confirmation Records 1873-1887
- Walnut Centennial Book 1872-1972
- Birth Index prior to 1916, Henry County (4 volumes)
- Death Index prior to 1916, Henry County (2 volumes)
- Henry County Illinois Probate Index (4 volumes)
- Henry County Court Naturalizations (1 volume)
- Marriage Records for Henry County 1821-1939 (9 volumes)
- Mortality Schedule 1860 - Vol. II - Counties: Fayette through Knox
Land maps:
- 1957 Official County Plat Book and Rural Directory of Henry County, Illinois 1961 Plat Book - Henry County Illinois
- 1965 Farm Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1966 Farm Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1968 Farm & Ranch Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1971 County Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1972 Illinois Farm Bureau Atlas & Plat Book for Henry County
- 1973 County Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1974 Illinois Farm Bureaus Atlas & Plat book of Henry County, IL
- 1975 Henry County, Illinois Plat Book
- 1975 Plat Book of LaSalle County, IL
- 1975 Rural Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1978 Farm & Ranch Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1980 Rural Resident Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1980 Land Atlas and Plat Book, Henry County, IL
- 1982 Rural Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1985 Rural Resident Directory, Henry County, IL
- 1987 Land Atlas & Plat Book, Henry County, IL
- 1989 Farm & Home Directory & Plat for Henry County
- 1990 Farm & Home Directory & Plat for Henry County
- 1990-1991 Henry County, Illinois TAM Services
- 1995-2012 Farm & Home Directory & Plat for Henry County
- 2000 Land Atlas and Plat Book - Rock Island County, IL
- Henry County Answer Book - 1994
- Henry County, Illinois TAM Maps 1990-1991 ; 1992-1993 ; 1996-1997 ; 1998-1999 ; 2001-2002 ; 2005-2006 ; 2007-2008, 2009-2010
- Official County Plat Book and Farmer's Directory of Whiteside County, IL --- no date
- Rock Island County, Illinois TAM Maps 1990-91 ; 1998-99 ; 2005-2006
- Whiteside County, Illinois TAM Maps 1986-87 ; 1994-95 ; 1996-97 ; 2005-2006
Farm & Home Plat Directory of:
- Bureau County, IL - 1995 & 1998
- La Salle County, IL - 1995
- Lee County, IL - 1994
- Marshall/Putnam County, IL - 1994 & 1997
- Peoria County, IL - 1997
- Stark County, IL - 1995 & 1997
- Knox County, IL - 1995
- Whiteside County, IL - 1992
- Mercer County, IL - 1992 & 1996
Civil War Soldiers (obituaries found in the Kewanee, IL newspapers)
Service Record: World War I and II Geneseo and Community (I.H.R.C. 940 SE)
- Geneseo Journal - 7 issues in 1860 on microfilm on reel M-15B and M-16A
- Geneseo Republic 1856 - December 27, 2013 on microfilm
- Henry County Arena - 1 issue in 1899 on microfilm on reel M-15B
- Henry County News October 14, 1886-June 13, 1890 on microfilm
- Milan Independent - Genealogical Abstracts May 1902 - Dec. 1906 (in Blackhawk Genealogical Society box)
- Sun/Republic Geneseo, Illinois January 6, 1871-September 20, 1882 on microfilm
- The Peoples Union Mission - 1 issue in 1895 on reel M-142
- Union Advocate - October 11, 1861 - November 20, 1863 on reel M-36B
Volumes: (pictures, letters, misc.)
- Geneseo Churches
- Geneseo Schools vol. 1-10
- Shearer Brothers vol. 1-5
- Taylor momentous vol. 1-3
- The Hammonds vol. 1-5 Hofstetter, Hosford & Hanford pictures of family & friends
- The Johnson 1910 farm
Genealogy Material:
- County Courthouse Book
- Directory of Family Associations
- Irish Records: Sources for family and local history
- Passenger & Immigration Lists
- The Genealogist's Address Book
- The handbook for Genealogists
Geneseo High School Year Books: The Sphinx
- 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956. 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (missing year of 1918)
- "The Junior Sphinx" Geneseo Township High School Newsletters 1923-1928
- Leaf Print Magazine - Fall 2011-12 ; Winter 2012-1013 ; Spring 2012-2013 ; Summer 2012
Geneseo Junior High/Middle School Year Books: The Oracle
- 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011-2012.
St. Malachy's School Yearbook
More Genealogy Links:
Cemetery and Gravestone Websites
- Access Genealogy - Cemetery Records
- American Battle Monuments Commission - Cemeteries, memorials, burials
- Ancestors at Rest - Free links to Coffin Plates, Funeral Cards, Cemetery Records, Cenotaph Records, German Death Cards, Wills, Church Records, Family Bibles, Vital Statistics
- Australian Cemetery Records - An Australian gateway for tracing your family history
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission - Names of 1.7 million men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died in the two world wars
- Find A Grave - The Largest compilation of burial information on the Internet
- GNIS (Geographic Names Information System) - An index to USGS Topographic Maps, best place to locate a named cemetery in the U.S.
- JewishGen - Online Worldwide Burial Registry database of names
- Political Graveyard - A database of Historic Cemeteries
Whiteside County Items
- Federal Census Books - 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930
- Index to death certificates prior to 1916
- Index to naturalization records
- Morrison Merchant Buildings, Morrison, IL, Whiteside County
- Morrison Inventors, Morrison, IL Whiteside, County
- Morrison Post, Morrison, IL - newspaper articles from 2005-2006
- Whiteside County Birth, by father prior to 1916 - 2 vols.
- Whiteside News Sentinal, Morrison, IL - newspaper articles 1991-92, 1993-94, 1995-96, 1997-98, 1999-2000, 2001-2002, 2003-2004, 2005-2006
- Whiteside Sentinal Index 1911- 1920 - 2 vols.
Direct inquiries to:
Geneseo Public Library District
805 N. Chicago Street
Geneseo, IL 61254
or e-mail: