Geneseo Public Library District
Board of Trustees Meeting June 13, 2022
The Board of Trustees of the Geneseo Public Library District met on Monday, June 13, 2022 at the Geneseo Public Library in Foundation Room A in Geneseo, Illinois. President Karen Turner called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Members in attendance were Karen Cathelyn, Lee Fluck, Janet Klavohn, Carol Luciani and Paul Pardo.
Citizen's Input None present
Secretary's Report The minutes from last month's meeting stand approved as printed. Kathi read aloud two of the thank you cards received from the Geneseo Middle School students who visited the library.
Financial Report/Bills to Be Paid Paul made a motion to pay the current bills. Janet seconded the motion and all members present voted "yes" by roll call vote. Paul moved to approve the Financial Report. Karen T. seconded the motion and all members in attendance voted "yes" by roll call vote.
Happenings at the Library The new trees were planted. The summer reading program is going well.
Roof The metal roof was cut into the wrong dimensions, so the new roof installation has been delayed.
Reading Garden Pat Mahar and Sheila Wigant will attend next month's meeting to show the board the plans they have been working on for this project.
Long Range Plan An addition onto the Children's Section at the library was suggested as a possible long-range plan along with adding the reading garden.
Budget The tentative budget for 2023 was sent to each board member prior to the meeting. After a brief discussion, Paul moved to accept it. Carol seconded the motion, and all members present voted "yes."
Signature Authorization Be it resolved that the signature authorization be as follows at the various financial institutions for the Geneseo Public Library District:
President and Treasurer signatures for three accounts at Central Bank Illinois plus Certificates of Deposit, three accounts at Vibrant Credit Union, two accounts plus Certificates of Deposit at Farmers National Bank, one account plus Certificate of Deposit at Blackhawk Bank & Trust. Authorization: one signature from an officer (Karen Turner-President, Karen Cathelyn-Vice President, Carol Luciani Secretary, Leland Fluck-Treasurer.) One signature from Miller Farm & Business from Jacob Miller or Jim Luikart.
Adjournment With no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Kathi Fluck