Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 PM
Closed Sunday
Miss Sandy has videos posted on Facebook for grade school and under.
All programs are held at the Geneseo Public Library and are one hour in length. Please stop by!
Click Here for Upcoming Programs
Come in or call to sign your child up for stories and craft sessions. More information is listed below on the storytimes and ages.
We have a reading incentive for children not yet in kindergarten. We will have Reading Logs that you will receive when you sign up for the program. On them please record any book the child has read to them or listens to in audio form. The same book can be repeated, especially if they have a favorite.
We want them to enjoy reading and studies show the more books they are exposed to when younger, the better they will do in school.
Click Here To Find Your Child's Reading Level
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has developed a new educational resource to use with children in grades PreK thru 3. The “field trip pack” contains hands-on equipment to encourage young children to explore nature. The Field Trip Pack can be checked out at the Geneseo Public Library.
Click Here for more information
For the calendar of events please CLICK on the caterpillar below:
Children are the future of Geneseo and it is important to provide the best care for them. In the library, we nourish young minds and provide the best library service possible. Busy public access buildings are not always safe and secure for children to be left alone and the library staff is not responsible for a child’s safety in the absence of a parent or guardian. The library does not have sufficient staff to continually monitor children or act in place of a parent or guardian.
Unattended children or those who are disruptive can create problems for themselves and others because they are too young to be left unattended. Examples of disruptive behavior include but are not limited to screaming, excessive crying, running, fighting, climbing on furniture etc. Their misbehavior makes it difficult for others to enjoy using the library. The librarian might ask any parent or guardian to leave the library temporarily to get the child under control. Children under 10 should not be left unattended anywhere in the library. A child 10 years and younger may be accompanied by a responsible person age 14 years and older. The rules of the Geneseo Public Library District include:
Here are some helpful guidelines for parents or guardians:
Contact Information:
Claire Crawford, Director