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Geneseo, IL 61254

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March 2019 Board Minutes

Geneseo Public Library District
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 11, 2019

The Board of Trustees of the Geneseo Public Library District met in Foundation Room A at the library on Monday, March 11, 2019.  Bill Menendez called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.  Trustees in attendance were Lee Fluck, Anne Meyer-McCright, Paul Pardo, Ray Rogers and Karen Turner.  Deb Wyffels, Assistant Director, was also present.

Citizen’s Input   No citizens were present

Secretary’s Report   There was no meeting last month due to a lack of quorum.

Financial Report/Bills to Be Paid.  Paul made a motion to pay the bills, Anne seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

Library Director’s Report   Please refer to Claire’s written report. 



Audit   Copies of the finished audit were available for board members.

Land Purchase In response to letter from Dr. John Loucks, the Board agreed that it is not interested in purchasing additional land.  A letter will be sent to Dr. Loucks, informing him of this decision.

Open Meetings  Board members were reminded that they are to go online and take the test regarding open meetings.

Freedom of Information  The policy that patrons cannot take out books without their own library card was explained.



Grants  Claire explained how participants in grants receive their stipends.  Since Chris has a master’s degree in Internet Technology, he is paid $100 per hour, rather than his regular hourly wage.  Work on grants is done outside of the time spent at work.    

Insurance Package  Our accountant stated that Claire’s health care payments should be included on her W-2 listed as “other income.”  Because she will be taxed for this, the Board agreed that her salary should be raised in accordance with the amount of tax she will incur.  This raise will be retroactive to the first of January, 2019.

Adjournment   With no further matters before the board, at 7:28 p.m., the meeting adjourned.


Kathi Fluck

Wall St. Journal - Online
library building
Library Information
805 N. Chicago Street
Geneseo, IL 61254
Phone: 309-944-6452
Fax: 309-944-6721
Toll free number for renewals:

Contact Information:
Claire Crawford, Director

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