Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 PM
Closed Sunday
Geneseo Public Library District
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 13, 2019
The Board of Trustees of the Geneseo Public Library District met in Foundation Room A at the library on Monday, May 13, 2019. Ray Rogers called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. All Trustees were in attendance: Lee Fluck, Janet Klavohn, Carol Luciani, Paul Pardo, Kim Reynolds, and Karen Turner.
Citizen’s Input No citizens were present.
Secretary’s Report The minutes for the April meeting stand approved as printed.
Financial Report/Bills to Be Paid. Paul made a motion to pay the bills, Kim seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously by roll call vote. Follow Up Procedures: President Ray Rogers and Treasurer Lee Fluck, who have been designated as signers on behalf of the Library and can transact certificates of deposit and sign checks, will follow up with Farmers Bank, Blackhawk State Bank and Wells Fargo
Library Director’s Report Please refer to Claire’s written report.
Open Meetings Act Claire explained that meetings of more than two members must be posted. She explained the need for Executive Sessions.
Canvas Election Certificates of Election from the Henry County Recorder were given to Lee Fluck, Janet Klavohn, Carol Luciani and Kim Reynolds.
Job Duties Deb will be doing the website updates remotely, and Claire has an agreement with Ellen Moore to be her back up. Deb’s duties have been divided up amongst the core employees (Kim Johnson, Kari Jost, Sandy Rahn, Lori O’Mara, Mary Jayne Nash, Barbara Sigwalt and Karen Kuriger and Mary Thompson). Claire asked the Board to let her use some of the $1,000 she was paid for administration work on the Illinois grant on computers and photos to take the core staff out to The Cellar (at her expense). Paul made a motion to allow this, Kim seconded this and the vote passed unanimously by roll call vote. Claire also requested that the core staff get a 50-cents-an-hour raise. Carol made a motion for Claire’s request be granted; Paul seconded it, and the measure passed by roll call vote with one member voting “no.”
Conference Claire had a meeting with employees, asking for their full cooperation to work as a team.
E-rate The budgeted rate for Internet through the phone company is higher because it is faster. Using E-rate gets the library a $5,000 deduction.
Tentative Budget Claire explained to new Trustees the way the budget works, is not concurrent with the calendar year, and that the Library must ask for tax payment each year.
Adjournment With no further matters before the board, at 7:50 p.m., the meeting ended
Kathi Fluck
Contact Information:
Claire Crawford, Director