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805 N. Chicago Street
Geneseo, IL 61254

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Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 PM
Closed Sunday

Boundless Boundless libby Libby Card Catalog of the library Prairie Cat Card Catalog



Free Wireless access available anywhere in the library.


Computer Assistance @ the library: 

Sometimes you may have a specific issue that is preventing you from proceeding with your work. The library staff is available to help you on a limited basis. Most times we will be able to give you immediate attention for up to 15 minutes. If you require additional instruction, we will ask you to make an appointment for one-on-one computer help. You may sign up for an appointment for computer assistance at the checkout counter. You will be contacted to arrange a time to meet for a 30-minute help session at the library during business hours.


The library also offers basic computer instruction on a variety of topics based on patrons’ interest. Let us know what kind of instruction you need. When there is sufficient interest we will do our best to find an instructor and offer a class. If you are interested in more comprehensive training or an in-depth class, let us know. There are online courses available through our website or we can help you find classes in the area.


Fax: We will send and receive faxes for you. To send: $1.00 per page.  To receive: $1.00 per page PLEASE HAVE YOUR NAME & PHONE # INCLUDED ON COVER SHEET OR FIRST PAGE OF FAX. International faxes will be charge $3.00 per page to send and $1.00 per page to receive.


Copier: There is a copier available for public use. Letter and legal size copies can be made. Double-sided and multi-copy capabilities, as well as increase/decrease zoom. Black and white copies cost 20 cents per page. Color copies can be made by the staff at the circulation desk, color copies cost fifty cents each. Large 11 x 17 sheets are 25 cents per copy.

Scans: We will scan and email or save to a flash drive you own for 20 cents per page. A limit of five pages per patron will be accepted. We have a scanner for public use free of charge located in the center of the library. There is a one hour use limited for this scanner.


Children's Use Computers: There are 3 computers for children with games and learning capabilities available. There is no internet access on these computers. They are located in the children's room. No charge for use.


Public Internet Stations: There are currently eight stations available to the public. There is no charge. You will need to sign in at the circulation desk. There is a time limit of one hour for use. They have Office Word, Publisher, and Excel. You are able to scan your documents to the eight public computers. We also have a large screen computer with larger buttons for visual impaired patrons.


Public Use Computers: There are two computers set aside with Microsoft Office installed for homework and personal projects other than internet use. We have four card catalogs available to access the collection.


Genealogy Computers: There are two computers in the Genealogy/Local History room with Ancestry Library Edition on it for public use. We have one computer to read Microfilm. If you print the prices are $0.20 for 8 ½ X 11; $0.25 for 11 x 17.


Scanner: You can scan pictures or text material. You can save to your own disc or print out at a cost of 20 cents per copy for black and white copies or fifty cents per copy for color prints. Scanner capabilities are available on a computer or the public copiers.


Lamination: Small lamination - 5x7 is 50 cents. Large lamination - 8 1/2 x 11 is $1.00 per page. Articles of poster board thickness or thicker do not laminate well or will not laminate at all. 


Voter Registration: We can register you here at the library to receive your voter's card in the mail. You must be a resident of Henry County and bring in two forms of identification with your current address. 


Notary Public: We have several people available for this service. Please, call ahead to see if they are working before you come.


Wall St. Journal - Online
library building
Library Information
805 N. Chicago Street
Geneseo, IL 61254
Phone: 309-944-6452
Fax: 309-944-6721
Toll free number for renewals:

Contact Information:
Claire Crawford, Director

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